BSCC Chapters

Chapter Committee Members are the BSCC's local brand ambassadors and with thought leadership and powerful connections, they help shape the chapter event programmes.

  • Basel
  • Berne
  • Geneva
  • Lausanne
  • Liechtenstein
  • Ticino
  • UK
  • Greater Zurich Area


The Basel Chapter faces Switzerland’s most dynamic economic and cultural area linked to France and Germany. The region is home to a world known hub in life sciences, a variety of companies and exceptional cultural monuments. We are passionate about discussing these topics with members, business partners and friends to deepen networks and relationships.


Manu Chhokra | Guided Solutions & Chapter Chair
Andrea Bertoneri | Startup Advisor
Sundeep Gaba | AllesHealth
Sid Lall | Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management
Beat Meyer | Blauen Solutions
Suraj Ravindran
Lisa Ross-Magenty | Communications Consultant

Chapter Chair

“Basel has a special place in the history of the Chamber as it was here, in 1920, that the BSCC was born. Basel remains to this day a hugely important city to British and Swiss economic interests across a number of sectors. The Basel Chapter’s aim is to create a platform for our members and guests to network, explore opportunities and exchange ideas on key issues, as well as socialise and enjoy the rich culture that Basel has to offer. It would be great if you could join us.”

Manu Chhokra
Chapter Chair


The BSCC Berne Chapter is well placed to address policy-related matters with its location at the heart of Swiss politics. Business and academic themes also feature in the Chapter’s activities, with the region being home to industrial top brands and high-end education and research centres.


Alison Winzenried | Chapter Chair
Dr Philipp Zurkinden | Prager Dreifuss AG

Chapter Chair

With the Swiss Government, Parliament and Federal Administration on its doorstep, the BSCC Berne Chapter seeks to act a bridge between the worlds of Swiss politics and business. As the challenges of 2020 continue into 2021, we embrace the webinar event format as an opportunity to reach a wider audience, whilst also looking forward to a time when face-to-face networking will be possible again.

Alison Winzenried
Chapter Chair


The BSCC Geneva Chapter, founded in 1991, has evolved and developed into a high quality, vibrant, neutral platform for local and international businesses and other organisations to meet and to build and sustain important relationships - whether they be professional or personal or both - in this truly distinctive and multilateral city.


Vanessa Neil | Piguet Galland & Chapter Chair
Richard Arnold
Mario Berckmoes | PwC
Simon Cleobury | UK Mission to the United Nations in Geneva
Anthony Conway-FellValcourt SA
Barry Franck | TechTrust
Sophie Mills | Epical Design

Nicholas Niggli | Directorate General for Economic Development, Research and Innovation, Republic and State of Geneva
James O’Brien | YPG Geneva Chair
Gillian Roth | JP Morgan (Geneva)
Sheena Stewart

Events Team

Michael McKay | Events Consultant
Liz Schmid | Events Coordinator


Our Chapter covers not only Lausanne, but the following French-speaking cantons: Vaud, Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Valais and Jura. It is open to the entire English-speaking community. It offers useful information for business people, networking and fun events!


Edward Mills | Patterson Mills & Chapter Chair
Alan Harris | Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Steven Schaerer


Liechtenstein, a sovereign state and member of the EEA, has a wide-reaching customs treaty with Switzerland and offers companies a gateway to developing closer business links in both Switzerland and the United Kingdom.


Alexander B. Jeeves | Jeeves Group & Chapter Chair


Ticino is an important centre for high-tech industries, research activities, financial services, and coordination centres for multinational companies, and it has the 7th highest GDP per capita in the Confederacy. The Ticino Chapter is available for any information on the Ticino's business environment and its legal and fiscal framework.


Laurent Belet | Tiger Bay Holdings & Chapter Chair
Edoardo Bonifaccio | EFG Inernational
Nicholas Belet | DUFLOR GmbH
Monika Bene | Independent advisor
Donald Ferri | LVA Law
Carolyn Rosso | The View Lugano
Peter Steimle | Steimle & Partners Consulting

Chapter Chair

Ticino is an important centre for high-tech industries, research activities, financial services, and coordination centres for multinational companies, and it has the 7th highest GDP per capita in the Confederacy.

We serve to help our members increase their presence in both Switzerland and the United Kingdom and help further trade and investment between both countries.

The Ticino Chapter is available for any information on the Ticino's business environment and its legal and fiscal framework.

Laurent Belet
Chapter Chair


As a Bi-Lateral Chamber of Commerce the UK Chapter exists to provide our existing and future members, with networking opportunities and to be the reliable and up to date source of information and education related to all Trade, Investment and Cultural matters that are relevant to the British Swiss relationship.


James Badcock | Private Wealth Lawyer & Chapter Co-Chair
John Rhodes |  Pini Franco LLP Solicitors & Chapter Co-Chair
Paul Blackburn | Studio Blackburn
Britta Classen | Deloitte Switzerland
Gregory Cole | FINN Partners
Petra Deters |  Zedra
Edouard de Watteville | Bühler Group
Nicole Groet | Pini Franco LLP Solicitors
William Hancock | Sinclair Gibson LLP
Alex Herrmann | Switzerland Tourism
Gareth Jones | Clintons
Marcus Rothen | Embassy of Switzerland in the United Kingdom

Chapter Co-Chair

Chapter Co-Chair

Our members want to feel part of a friendly community of like-minded people who have close business links to both Britain and Switzerland.

We know from our regular surveys that they want to network, but also benefit from being supplied with relevant commercial information which affects them and their businesses, and we strive to ensure that the BSCC does just that.

Greater Zurich Area

Greater Zurich Area is home to world leading businesses in Finance, Insurance, Lifesciences and Consumer goods, supported by expert advisory services.
The region encompasses the business landscapes of cantons Zurich, Lucerne and Zug. With the universities of Zurich, ETH and St Gallen, a thriving innovative culture exists with a particular focus on growing new businesses in fintech, medtech, energy & climate and consumer products.


Richard Fryer | NewInZurich & Acting Chapter Chair
Leti McManus | Tiger Link Advisors
Helen Campbell | KPMG
Rebecca Churchill | Consultant
Marco Lucchin | Flower&Klein

Acting Chapter Chair

At the heart of everything we do, lie three key objectives:

• To provide you as members with visibility and quality interactions within the BSCC community

• To further increase collaboration and networking among our local members, and between our Swiss- and UK-based chapters

• To create events and initiatives that give you a professional edge by learning about the latest Swiss and British developments in your field, whether it’s finance, professional services or other areas.

The Basel Chapter faces Switzerland’s most dynamic economic and cultural area linked to France and Germany. The region is home to a world known hub in life sciences, a variety of companies and exceptional cultural monuments. We are passionate about discussing these topics with members, business partners and friends to deepen networks and relationships.


Manu Chhokra | Guided Solutions & Chapter Chair
Andrea Bertoneri | Startup Advisor
Meyer Beat | Blauen Solutions
Sundeep Gaba | AllesHealth
Sid Lall | Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management
Suraj Ravindran
Lisa Ross-Magenty | Communications Consultant

The BSCC Berne Chapter is well placed to address policy-related matters with its location at the heart of Swiss politics. Business and academic themes also feature in the Chapter’s activities, with the region being home to industrial top brands and high-end education and research centres.


Alison Winzenried | Chapter Chair
Dr Philipp Zurkinden | Prager Dreifuss AG

The BSCC Geneva Chapter, founded in 1991, has evolved and developed into a high quality, vibrant, neutral platform for local and international businesses and other organisations to meet and to build and sustain important relationships - whether they be professional or personal or both - in this truly distinctive and multilateral city.


Vanessa Neil | Piguet Galland & Chapter Chair
Richard Arnold
Mario Berckmoes | PwC
Simon Cleobury | UK Mission to the United Nations in Geneva
Anthony Conway-FellValcourt SA
Barry Franck | TechTrust
Sophie Mills | Epical Design

Nicholas Niggli | Directorate General for Economic Development, Research and Innovation, Republic and State of Geneva
James O’Brien | YPG Geneva Chair
Gillian Roth | JP Morgan (Geneva)
Sheena Stewart

Events Team

Michael McKay | Events Consultant
Liz Schmid | Events Coordinator

Our Chapter covers not only Lausanne, but the following French-speaking cantons: Vaud, Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Valais and Jura. It is open to the entire English-speaking community. It offers useful information for business people, networking and fun events!


Edward Mills | Patterson Mills & Chapter Chair
Alan Harris | Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Steven Schaerer

Liechtenstein, a sovereign state and member of the EEA, has a wide-reaching customs treaty with Switzerland and offers companies a gateway to developing closer business links in both Switzerland and the United Kingdom.


Alexander B. Jeeves | Jeeves Group & Chapter Chair

Ticino is an important centre for high-tech industries, research activities, financial services, and coordination centres for multinational companies, and it has the 7th highest GDP per capita in the Confederacy. The Ticino Chapter is available for any information on the Ticino's business environment and its legal and fiscal framework.


Laurent Belet | Tiger Bay Holdings & Chapter Chair
Edoardo Bonifaccio | EFG Inernational
Nicholas Belet | DUFLOR GmbH
Monika Bene | Independent advisor
Donald Ferri | LVA Law
Carolyn Rosso | The View Lugano
Peter Steimle | Steimle & Partners Consulting

As a Bi-Lateral Chamber of Commerce the UK Chapter exists to provide our existing and future members, with networking opportunities and to be the reliable and up to date source of information and education related to all Trade, Investment and Cultural matters that are relevant to the British Swiss relationship.


James Badcock | Private Wealth Lawyer & Chapter Co-Chair
John Rhodes |  Pini Franco LLP Solicitors & Chapter Co-Chair
Paul Blackburn | Studio Blackburn
Britta Classen | Deloitte Switzerland
Gregory Cole | FINN Partners
Petra Deters |  Zedra
Edouard de Watteville | Bühler Group
Nicole Groet | Pini Franco LLP Solicitors
William Hancock | Sinclair Gibson LLP
Alex Herrmann | Switzerland Tourism
Gareth Jones | Clintons
Marcus Rothen | Embassy of Switzerland in the United Kingdom

Greater Zurich Area is home to world leading businesses in Finance, Insurance, Lifesciences and Consumer goods, supported by expert advisory services.
The region encompasses the business landscapes of cantons Zurich, Lucerne and Zug. With the universities of Zurich, ETH and St Gallen, a thriving innovative culture exists with a particular focus on growing new businesses in fintech, medtech, energy & climate and consumer products.


Richard Fryer | NewInZurich & Acting Chapter Chair
Leti McManus | Tiger Link Advisors
Helen Campbell | KPMG
Rebecca Churchill | Consultant
Marco Lucchin | Flower&Klein

Would you like to volunteer for your local chapter?

Volunteers are vital to the success of the British-Swiss Chamber of commerce and our influence is largely driven by the energy, knowledge and dedication of our volunteers.